Continuing education sorted by subject area

Manual therapy
Cervicogenic headache

Manual therapy according to Maitland

Functional instability Shoulder Examination and management Hip and knee

Physiotherapy for whiplash

neurodynamics lower and upper extremities management for chronic pain

Functional therapy

Training of fine muscles after FBL

Rehabilitation after VKB rupture

Dynamic theraband exercises
Funktionelle Rehabilitation nach Hüft- und Knie-TEP
Funktionelle Fusstherapie 

Hand therapy
After treatment after fractures

Lymph drainage
Complex physical decongestion therapy (manual lymp drainage)
Functional post-treatment according to Mamma- Ca

physiotherapy course Gait safety course

Massage techniques
Myofasciale Relaxation
Trigger point massage
Fascia Distorsion model FDM

Parkinson (Diagnostik und Therapie)
Spätphase nach Schlaganfall
Schwindel untersuchen und behandeln
Gleichtgewicht testen und behandeln